Account service

Financial accounting is considered one of the most important branches of accounting science, because it is about recording and tabulating data related to commercial activities and companies in order to obtain a set of financial statements through which financial summaries can be collected during a specified period of time in accordance with general accounting principles and standards, so that the resulting financial information becomes understandable and acceptable.  For measurement, due to its symmetry and unification of the method of listing the data and the items it contains.  The process of classifying and storing these financial data is something that we, the International Solutions Company, are pleased to provide to you, as we can provide you with an accounting program and organize the financial data comfortably for you, as the data collected in any accounting program and the items within these lists help determine and support the financial position of the activity,  On the basis of these financial operations and actual documents such as purchase and sale invoices, actual users can take appropriate decisions according to their financial situation.

 The importance of financial accounting:

 The importance of financial accounting lies mainly in controlling the activity’s work financially and recording everything that is issued and received in it, and it represents the cornerstone on which the preparation of financial statements is based, as it provides information that helps investors determine their financial and investment position.

 Therefore, the importance of financial accounting is as follows:

 1- The main objective is to prepare the financial statements to determine the preliminary results of the business activity, whether it is profit or loss.

 2- It helps in making sound economic decisions and avoiding mistakes.

 3- It reflects the financial and economic performance of any activity.

 4- It enables individuals to assess the financial condition of institutions.

 5- Maintaining the security of information by providing all details related to assets, revenues, and liabilities.

 6- Studying the possibility of investment in light of the social and political conditions of the country.


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